How you can help

Fundraise for Us

If you’re looking for a challenge and want to raise money for our branch, we have places at major running events in the UK and abroad.  Click here to find out more about the events we have available.

Donate to us

We are a self-funding RSPCA branch, so your donations are invaluable to us: every penny helps us to assist an animal in need.

The best way to support our branch is to donate directly through JustGiving, either as a single or repeating payment. If you would like to undertake fundraising activities, you can set up a dedicated page for your activity on our JustGiving page, but we would love to hear from you about your plans.



Or help us while you do your online shopping! 

Easy Fundraising links to thousands of UK retailers including supermarkets, department stores, insurance companies and fashion and beauty retailers so no matter what you are shopping for, if you create an account and support our branch we will get a donation. Please note that we are registered with Easy Fundraising as RSPCA Central and North East London branch.


PayPal Giving Fund, a UK registered charity, raises funds for UK charities by helping people support their favourite charities online. They help charities raise funds through PayPal and other technology platforms including Humble Bundle, GoFundMe and Facebook, as well as online platforms such as eBay and Thrift+.

You can donate to us directly on the PayPal Giving Fund website, or select us as your chosen charity when you use any of the above websites.


Shopping at Pets at Home? Join the VIP club, add us as your VIP Lifelines chosen charity and every time you shop for your pet, you raise Lifelines for us!

And there are several other ways you can donate:

  • you can text PETS5  to 70711 to make a one off donation of £5 (please see the text to donate terms and conditions)
  • you can write a cheque to RSPCA Central London Branch, and send it to 45 Primrose Avenue, Enfield,  EN2 0SZ
  • We can also send you a form should you wish to make regular monthly donations. You can get in touch at


If you have a few hours of free time available – whether sporadically or regularly – and would like to help our RSPCA branch, we would love to hear from you. We need help with:

If any of these opportunities catch your interest or if you would like further information, please download and complete the volunteer application form (PDF) and send it to us at

Or, you can print it out, fill it in and drop it in at one of our shops, or post it to RSPCA Central London Branch, 45 Primrose Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SZ


Alternatively, please contact us if you:

  • Would like more information on how you can leave a legacy to our branch
  • Have a business and would like a collection box
  • Have quality goods, i.e. clothes, to donate; we have 10 shops and we love donations

Donate by shopping online

Via our EasyFundraising page you can donate automatically just by shopping online at any of hundreds of shops including Amazon, Argos and John Lewis!

Go to

Our shops

We have charity shops in Islington (N1), Finsbury Park (N4), Hackney (E5), Crouch End (N8), Stoke Newington (N16), Tottenham (N17), Palmers Green (N13), Ealing (W5) and Northfields (W13).

See addresses, contact details 
and opening hours